Sunday, November 19, 2006

A Conversation...

The following is a re-enactment of an actualy conversation held between yours truly and Mike Seaver Fan....

MSF:Hey Omar!! How are you?? You're so cool and your tip is so much bigger than mine!!

Omar: Oh I know that biiiiitch.

MSF: Oh Omar you're so right, what was I thinking telling you something you already know?? I'm so gay.

Omar: Yeah you are pretty gay. Speaking of gay, why have you been signing the ends of your posts with "c" and "msf". Just say your gay ass name and get on wit it hoe.

MSF: Well, as you might suppose, "msf" stands for "Me Suck Fat-tipper". But, you may be surprised by my "c" signature. It is me paying homage to my favorite TV show of all time. It refers to Crane, as in the last name of Frasier and Niles on my very most favorite show "Frasier". Oh, how I do love those two and their antics. Tee Hee.

Omar: What is wrong with you? Are you kidding me? The only person that watches that show is Dave, and he has an excuse cuz he's a pompous caucasian homosexual.

MSF: Come on Omar, it's a great show. You know what else is superb? "Friends". and "Dancing with the Stars". Oh how delectable those two shows are. I was so dismayed that Emmit Smith beat out the heart-throb from Saved By The Bell. He's such a hunk and he deserved to win that trophy. It's okay he'll always have the dough eyes on the block. Tee Hee. Oh, speaking of Friends, did you see the episode where Ross-

Omar: Corday please stop.

MSF: But Omar, Ross is so silly. OH OH OH. And Chandler is so spunky. I love him as well.

Omar has gone offline.


At 5:59 PM, Blogger Rapist's Wit said...

it just sounds too much like corday to be made up... i feel like i was there, kudos omar, you have managed to capture the essence of "c" in a single post

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was the guy from blossom not saved by the bell...get your shit right.

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Don Johnson said...

who watches blossom??? i demand this queer reveal himself

At 12:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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